Healing with Art & Meditation

Practicing art and meditation brings me so much peace, play and gratitude daily. By facilitating art and meditation workshops, my intention is to bring forth a space that provides and encourages authentic creativity, inner strength, confidence, playfulness, devotion, compassion, and the healing power of art to everyone who enters this magical inner temple. 


Hello, My name is Homa and I am an intuitive mixed-media artist, an ‘art of allowing’ facilitator, and a graphic designer. I am blessed to live in beautiful Colorado with my husband, two daughters and our dog Buttercup. My hope is to serve you with the healing and creative gift of art and meditation.

“Art offers an opening for the heart. 
True art makes the divine silence in the soul break into applause.”

– Hafiz

I paint to feel and to be felt.

I started painting after having very powerful spiritual experiences and dreams that were inspired by a visit with a sound healer. I have always been a creative and have been practicing graphic design for over 18 years, but I had not painted in over 20 years. I fell in love with making things with my hands and my heart.  

I paint angels, faces, nature and the mundane divine details of everyday life… since all of this is nothing but spirit in form, all very different, but all very connected by the container of the Great Mystery. My art is created from a place of inner wisdom, quiet and  authentic presence with feelings;  from a place where soul and intuition are first. With an open heart my work embraces the human experience with a willingness to receive the truth of the moment. I paint to feel and to be felt.

The canvas becomes a portal to the soul.

When a painting begins the end result is never what I expected. Through texture, color, collage, play and being present in the moment, a story emerges. With music, prayer, mediation, breath work and movement the energy flow of unconditional love and creation are revealed and the canvas becomes a portal to the soul. 

By bringing my passions for spirituality, community and art together, I help facilitate art and meditation workshops that are integral to our collective healing of our remembrance of the Sacred Feminine essence, energy and principle. The Feminine principle and energy is the source of our connection to Love, to Creation, and is the embodiment of a deeply held container for community, peace, nature and beauty.

For more information on one of my upcoming workshops click here!



Copyright © SOUL PAINT, LLC

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